Monday, August 28, 2006

Veritas Vioxx - Ripped From the Headlines

Looking at Junk Science & Junk Justice By Roberta Shaffer
New Time & Location: Sep 9, 2:30 pm at Tysons-Pimmit Library, Falls Church, VA.
Free NCAS 20th Anniversary memorabilia to all who attend this event.
Scientific literacy among judges who rule on the acceptance of expert testimony and the legitimacy of arguments about the nature and scope of science is crucial to ensuring reality-based interpretation of law.

The recent and continuing litigation regarding the prescription drug Vioxx highlights a variety of issues about scientific evidence, and particularly the role of medical research journals in evaluating scientific evidence. The multitude of Vioxx cases may lead to a "new truth" about how we can view and use scientific evidence with the looming concern that "junk science" always presents a real risk of resulting in "junk justice." Event flyer (pdf) - (Directions) - (MAP)