September 10 - They Called Me Mad: Genius, Madness, and the Scientists Who Pushed the Outer Limits of Knowledge

Presented by John Monahan
Science writer and long-time science teacher
Baltimore, Maryland 

From Dr. Frankenstein to Dr. Horrible, the mad scientist has become an icon in books, movies, comics and games. We love them, loathe them. We tremble and laugh at them, but why? Is it the fiendish devices, the willful disregard for the scientific orthodoxy, or is it all the maniacal laughter? Believe it or not, many of them are based on real scientists who pushed the boundaries of science, only to earn the scorn of their peers. Join us for a conversation of mad scientists fictional and real from the past, present and future, if you dare.

John Monahan is a science writer and long-time science teacher in Baltimore City. He has taught biology, chemistry and physics, at both the middle school and high school level, and has had the opportunity to integrate science fiction into his science curriculum. In addition he has taught classes on writing science fiction. He is also the author of the book "They Called Me Mad: Genius, Madness and the Scientists Who Pushed the Outer Limits of Knowledge." John is a long-term resident of Baltimore and is a graduate of Towson University, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in science and a Master’s degree in professional writing. Currently, he blogs on his Mad4Science blog at

Saturday, September 10, 2016, 1:30pm
Bethesda Library
7400 Arlington Road
Bethesda, Maryland