Presented by
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., Ph.D.
Principal Lecture, Department of Geology, University of Maryland
Research Associate, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History
The public is familiar
with pseudoscientific interpretations of biology (Creationism,
cryptozoology, etc.) and astronomy (astrology, UFO abductions, etc.),
but all sciences have their pseudo-versions. There have been various
pseudo-geologies proposed over the centuries: interpretations of the
structure and composition of the Earth radically at odds with our
current understanding. Among these are ideas that the Earth is hollow
(various configurations, including a notable one where we are on the
inside of curve!), sunken continents (Atlantis, Lemuria, and beyond),
and a truly bizarre idea that all physical matter on Earth was once
alive. Some of these ideas were proposed in a scientific context, but
have survived in various circles long after their refutation. Dr. Holtz
will examine the origins, beliefs, and fates of these alternate Earth
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. is Principal Lecturer in Vertebrate Paleontology
at the University of Maryland and a Research Associate in the Department
of Paleobiology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural
History. He is the Faculty Director of the College Park Scholars-Science
& Global Change program (a two-year living-learning program). In
addition to his research work, he has published several books for the
general audience (including the award-winning Dinosaurs; The Most Complete Up-To-Date Guide for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages) and has been an expert for numerous documentaries and consultant for various museum exhibits.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
1:30 pm
National Science Foundation, Room 110
4201 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA
(Ballston-MU Metro stop)
Enter NSF from the corner of 9th St. N & N Stuart Streets.
FREE admission – Everyone welcome, members and non-members