Public Lecture Series
Years of Weird Science at Goldsmiths
YouTube Live Event with Q and A
Chris French, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University
of London
Founder / Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research
Saturday, April
10, 1:30pm US/Eastern (UTC-04:00)
YouTube Channel:
For more information, call
the NCAS Skeptic Line at 240-670-NCAS (6227).
his retirement in October of last year, Professor Chris
French will reflect on the work of the Anomalistic
Psychology Research Unit (APRU), founded in the year 2000.
His talk will describe his own journey from being a
believer in the paranormal to becoming a skeptic, as well
as his reasons for founding the APRU. He will give some
examples of its work in the areas of both anomalistic
psychology and parapsychology, as well as considering the
future prospects of both disciplines.
Chris French is
an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths,
University of London and head of its Anomalistic
Psychology Research Unit. He is a Fellow of the British
Psychological Society and of the Committee for Skeptical
Inquiry and a Patron of UK Humanists. He has published
over 150 articles and chapters covering a wide range of
topics. His main current area of research is the
psychology of paranormal beliefs and anomalous
experiences. He frequently appears on radio and television
casting a skeptical eye over paranormal claims. His most
recent book is Anomalistic Psychology: Exploring
Paranormal Belief and Experience.
There will be an online
question-and-answer segment after the talk.
to Watch and Participate in this Online Event:
1) Use a supported
2) Use the link
.3) The live stream begins
shortly before 1:30pm US/Eastern (UTC-04:00) on
Saturday, April 10, 2021.
4) To post questions, you
must be signed in to a Google account.
5) Post your questions in
the chat window to the right of the video player when the
live stream is active.
6) Click into where it says
"Say something..." and begin typing (up to 200 characters).
Then click the send icon
Annual Membership Meeting
Following the talk and the question-and-answer segment, the YouTube presentation will end, and an online meeting with NCAS members will begin on Zoom. Check your email inbox during the last few minutes of the Q and A. All NCAS members will receive information for joining the Zoom meeting. The "Zoom Client for Meetings" can be downloaded for free at To join, just enter the Zoom Meeting ID number and Passcode provided in the Zoom account is needed. There's no formal agenda for the meeting. Discussion of potential lecture speakers/topics is certainly welcome, as well as any other NCAS-related subject.
Along with your question, please post what city or
town you're in.
Following the talk and the question-and-answer segment, the YouTube presentation will end, and an online meeting with NCAS members will begin on Zoom. Check your email inbox during the last few minutes of the Q and A. All NCAS members will receive information for joining the Zoom meeting. The "Zoom Client for Meetings" can be downloaded for free at To join, just enter the Zoom Meeting ID number and Passcode provided in the Zoom account is needed. There's no formal agenda for the meeting. Discussion of potential lecture speakers/topics is certainly welcome, as well as any other NCAS-related subject.
We'd love to share refreshments as we usually do in
person, but we'll need your help to psychically
de-materialize our supplies and re-materialize them at
your location! (Please distribute the refreshments to
others, if you're able.)
Message to
Current and Prospective NCAS Members
Torn From Today's Headlines
By Scott Snell
NCAS Speaker's Appearance on ABC-TV's "The Con" was a Victory for Skeptics
April PhACT Lecture
In response to the economic hardship and other
uncertainties that our members may be facing, NCAS has
automatically extended by one year all memberships that
expire in 2020 or later. Payment will be accepted for
new memberships as well as renewals for 2019 and before:
new and renewed will have a bonus year added. Each life
member may sponsor a new one-year membership at no
charge. (Double life memberships may sponsor two.)
Send your sponsored member's name and contact
information to
This offer will continue until further notice.
By Scott Snell
NCAS Speaker's Appearance on ABC-TV's "The Con" was a Victory for Skeptics
December 2020 NCAS speaker Bob Nygaard, a private
detective who specializes in the investigation of
confidence crimes, most notably psychic fraud,
appeared on "Psychics," the March 17 episode of "The
Con," a weekly ABC-TV series narrated by Whoopi
Goldberg. Nielsen Media Research data indicate that
1.621 million people saw the program, which
portrayed Nygaard and his anti-psychic cause in a
completely supportive, essentially promotional way.
Longtime skeptics may be hard-pressed to recall a
skeptical person and cause receiving such a
prominent showcase, especially one so generously
provided by a national network news organization.
("The Con" is produced by ABC News.)
The director of the show was Starling ("Star")
Price, well-known among skeptics for Penn &
Teller's "Bull*hit," which ran on Showtime for many
years. That almost certainly explains why Nygaard
received a top-notch portrayal.
This will probably help Nygaard help others for
months or even years to come. He can share the
online link with any new clients and tell them,
"Here's what I can do to help you," and/or "Watch
this and warn your friends and family about what can
happen to them if they're vulnerable and a
self-proclaimed psychic takes advantage."
Conceivably this will be a major breakthrough in protecting the public from con artists.
Conceivably this will be a major breakthrough in protecting the public from con artists.
In the weeks since, Nygaard says he's been
"...inundated with phone calls, emails, twitter
messages, instant messages, etc. It’s going to take
me quite a while to sort through everything and get
back to the people who I can help."
One of the on-camera expert contributors to the
program was mentalist Mark Edward, who will be
giving an online talk on April 17 (see next item).
Our skeptical neighbors to the north, the
Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking
(PhACT), will host their next online event on
Saturday, April 17 at 2 PM ET. Professional mentalist
Mark Edward will discuss the new horizons of psychic
fraud and swindle that have emerged during the
pandemic. Event details at
Torn Too From Today's Headlines
By Scott Snell
The National Weather Service Publicizes a Superstition for a Good Cause
On April 7th, the National Weather Service and its
"Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors" wanted Americans to
take a "selfie" in their extreme-weather safe places
(e.g., closets, basements, etc) and post it with the
hashtag #SafePlaceSelfie. All well and good, I think
most everyone would agree.By Scott Snell
The National Weather Service Publicizes a Superstition for a Good Cause
But then the NWS added a peculiar detail: to do so
at 11:11 AM local time. "What is the significance
11:11am local time? The exact time of 11:11 is often
associated with 'making a wish.' We chose that time
because wishing or hoping is not an effective
preparedness action. So instead of making a wish at
11:11, take the time to post your #SafePlaceSelfie.
Please also note, if you can’t post at that time in
your area, do not worry. We still want you to post at
any time of day. Since we will start with Eastern
Time, 11:11am will occur at each time zone every hour
until Hawaiian time."
I was unfamiliar with this superstition, and
perhaps many other people were as well. Should the
NWS publicize obscure superstitions, even for a good
Maybe if the superstition were already famous (such
as "Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck"), leveraging
it wouldn't be as questionable.
Speaking of Superstitions
March 24 marked the 20th anniversary of a fluke
event that the superstitious would likely consider a
harbinger of doom. During a Spring Training baseball
game in Tucson, pitcher Randy Johnson of the Arizona
Diamondbacks threw a pitch that killed a mourning dove
in flight:
Several years ago, Newsweek consulted experts who
confirmed that the hapless bird was a mourning dove:
Based on my (admittedly) inexpert knowledge of
superstitions, shouldn't we skeptics expect that
killing a dove, even accidentally, would bear grave
consequences for the perpetrator?
In fact it appears that quite the opposite
occurred. Johnson enjoyed a remarkable season that
culminated in a World Series title. In May he tied a
record (which still stands) for the most strikeouts
(20) over nine innings. In July he set the record
(still standing) for most strikeouts in a relief
appearance. In an August game, he struck out three
batters on three pitches each (a so-called "immaculate
inning"). Johnson earned three of the Diamondbacks'
four World Series game victories that year, including
Games 6 and 7, and shared (with teammate Curt
Schilling) the World Series Most Valuable Player
award. By any measure, including the other seasons of
his Hall of Fame career, it was an outstanding season.
So the "omen hypothesis" doesn't fit the facts in
this case. On the other hand, there is a history of
belief that animal sacrifice brings good fortune.
Seems that either a very good or very bad 2001
season for him would've been "explainable" by
superstition. Would a mediocre (for him) season have
been difficult for a superstitious person to explain?
Maybe not, for if a superstar has a mediocre season,
wouldn't that be considered bad? Conceivably any
outcome could've been found consistent with a
superstitious belief.
Torn From Yesterday's Headlines
By Scott Snell
The Pandemic, One Year Later
Have a look back at the April 2020 Shadow of a Doubt:
By Scott Snell
The Pandemic, One Year Later
Have a look back at the April 2020 Shadow of a Doubt:
NCAS Board Elections: Electronic Voting
The 2021 NCAS election is underway. In early April, your e-mail inbox should've received a single-cast secret ballot from " via SurveyMonkey <>". (NCAS will receive information indicating who voted, but nothing to indicate who cast each ballot.) Please vote by April 30, 2021.
Note that voters will not be at risk for spamming as a result of participating...SurveyMonkey has a zero-tolerance spam policy:
AmazonSmile: Thanks to our members who are
supporting NCAS!
The 2021 NCAS election is underway. In early April, your e-mail inbox should've received a single-cast secret ballot from " via SurveyMonkey <>". (NCAS will receive information indicating who voted, but nothing to indicate who cast each ballot.) Please vote by April 30, 2021.
Note that voters will not be at risk for spamming as a result of participating...SurveyMonkey has a zero-tolerance spam policy:
When holiday
shopping at, you'll
find the same low prices, vast selection, and convenient
shopping experience as, with the added bonus
that a portion of the purchase price (0.5%) goes to
NCAS! It's simple and automatic, and it doesn't cost you
AmazonSmile's disbursements to NCAS in the fourth quarter of 2020 came to $34.53, meaning that $6900 of purchases were designated in support of NCAS. (As an example of how NCAS can put that money to good use, it's enough to cover more than 100 minutes of a Montgomery County lecture room rental.)
Thanks again to our members who have chosen to support NCAS!
For more information:
Shadow Light
Some members and contacts of NCAS receive a postal notification of this and every new monthly Shadow of a Doubt. The Shadow Light postcard announces the monthly lecture and highlights of the electronic Shadow of a Doubt, which is available online at NCAS thereby reduces Shadow production and postage costs. To further reduce costs, members and contacts can opt out of postal notification altogether, while continuing to receive Shadow of a Doubt via e-mail. To opt out, send us an e-mail at
Time to Renew?
Be sure to check your renewal date above your postal address on the Shadow Light postcard. Send any queries to Use the online membership form to renew.
AmazonSmile's disbursements to NCAS in the fourth quarter of 2020 came to $34.53, meaning that $6900 of purchases were designated in support of NCAS. (As an example of how NCAS can put that money to good use, it's enough to cover more than 100 minutes of a Montgomery County lecture room rental.)
Thanks again to our members who have chosen to support NCAS!
For more information:
Shadow Light
Some members and contacts of NCAS receive a postal notification of this and every new monthly Shadow of a Doubt. The Shadow Light postcard announces the monthly lecture and highlights of the electronic Shadow of a Doubt, which is available online at NCAS thereby reduces Shadow production and postage costs. To further reduce costs, members and contacts can opt out of postal notification altogether, while continuing to receive Shadow of a Doubt via e-mail. To opt out, send us an e-mail at
Time to Renew?
Be sure to check your renewal date above your postal address on the Shadow Light postcard. Send any queries to Use the online membership form to renew.
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