Subscribe to NCAS Email Lists
NCAS Members Email List - [NCAS-Members]
NCAS Members now receive NCAS publications (monthly NCAS Shadow of a Doubt, and the Skeptical Eye newsletter) and announcements from NCAS to Members, via the [NCAS-Members] email list using the email address you give when joining NCAS. Members can request a change of that membership record email address by sending an email to ncas-email-manager@ncas.org with your First and Last Name, and phone, describing what changes are needed to your email address in [NCAS Members] or changes to other membership information. There is no spam on this private announcement-only email list. Members can also choose whether to subscribe to the other NCAS email lists described below.
Non-Members Email List -- [NCAS-Announce]
Non-members can subscribe to the NCAS-Announce Email List to get the monthly NCAS Shadow of a Doubt events bulletin and the Skeptical Eye newsletter, and announcements from NCAS to non-members.
NCAS Members do not need to join the non-members [NCAS-Announce] email list, because all messages relating to members are routinely sent to the [NCAS-Members] email list, including the NCAS Shadow of a Doubt, Skeptical Eye and other notices for NCAS-Members (only). Members who nonetheless choose to subscribe to the non-members [NCAS-Announce] email list will receive messages sent to the email address subscribed to [NCAS-Announce], as well as the same messages sent to your email address subscribed to [NCAS-Members].
For your protection, after subscribing you will receive an email requiring your reply to validate this subscription request, and then you will get another email that confirms your subscription and tells you how to manage your subscription options. Please save those email instructions. There is no spam on this private, validated announcement-only mail list.
Subscription to NCAS ANNOUNCE is only through this subscrition form.
NCAS Share Email List -- [NCAS-Share]
This low-volume, no-spam [NCAS Share] email exchange list facilitates friendly information exchange and collaboration among NCAS members only.
For your protection, you will receive an email requiring your reply to validate this subscription request. Then you will get another email that confirms your subscription and tells you how to manage and modify your subscription options. Please save those instructions. There are no spam or flames on this private, validated mail list.
JOIN NCAS SHARE (Members Only)
Subscription to [NCAS Share] is only through this subscrition form. In the subscription form, you must enter your email address and your First and Last Name, so we can verify your NCAS membership for participation in NCAS SHARE. If you are not yet an NCAS Member, please first Join NCAS.
If you need assistance, please contact ncas-email-manager@ncas.org